As the guys’ musical style is rooted in the Blues, a song like this must not be missing on a good record. So thought the band and revived a by that time unfinished song from an earlier period, that until its makeover had not been fully convincing. The result is a steamroller that cannot be beaten in its coolness, taking you to a place where legacy is irrelevant, and anything is possible: To Hell….


There are times in a man’s life, where things go wrong and need to be changed
Sometimes leaving all that behind is the only way and I know where to go, man!

You gotta leave this woman behind, she’s doing you no good
Tells you what to do and what not to do, that ain’t cool, man
You’re no fool and you know what you want, what life is worth living for
Let’s pack our bags and walk out the door, all we need is more more more

Let’s go to hell, it’s now or never
To hell we ride
Let’s go to hell, no surrender
All the way we fight

All this nagging and constant complaining, it keeps making you mad
They tell you, you got to make the best of it
All they do is boss you around, don’t you end up this way
Let’s just get out, I know some place, before we both fade away